Problem: this patient in their early twenties, disliked their mildly crooked teeth and had an issue with overall colour.
Solution: a short course of orthodontics was followed by tooth whitening resulting in a very pleasing initial outcome. On further scrutiny, the patient felt they wished for more even looking front teeth so the laterals were lengthened as a third stage intervention using composite resin thus maintaining a very non-invasive nature to the smile makeover.
Discussion Points: given the age of this patient, in light of what was achievable using non-invasive techniques, we opted for a more conservative approach to treatment, which still offered a vibrant result that she was understandably delighted with.
Preparing teeth for veneers here would have accelerated this patient into an inevitable dental treatment cycle of revision and eventually expensive replacement far too early in life.
We fully embrace the exceptional aesthetic potential of veneers for (adult) patients of all ages, but would caution younger adults in a similar position from committing to potentially over-zealous and irreversible biological change where possible.